Ilene Berman (she, her) is a sculptor with a studio practice and a socially engaged arts practice that stem from a pair of related questions: does art have the capacity to adequately address the structural concerns of our day and is it possible for an artist to engage the viewer in these concerns by creating spaces for them to think and feel? Although there are moments in which large scale revolutionary action leads to social change, Ilene believes that most change happens in small sustainable shifts often sparked by artful gestures. Her work is the result of choosing intentional materials to create specific sparks. Ilene has had solo exhibitions of her installation work at Gallery 210 and fort gondo compound for the arts. For the past twelve years her socially engaged work has primarily been focused in the Covenant Blu-Grand Center neighborhood of St. Louis where she partners as a catalyst for arts initiatives with neighborhood residents. Her project, Room13Delmar, a tricycle-based mobile art studio, was the recipient of an Interchange Artists Grant that made possible the creation of the mobile gallery, The Delmar - A Senior Artists Gallery. Ilene's work has been featured in Artforum, Sculpture Magazine, St. Louis American, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, on the BBC and is a part of the Arte Util Archive. She has a Master of Fine Arts degree in Sculpture from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and is an Assistant Professor in the Visual and Performing Arts Department of Saint Louis University.
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